Folia Baeriana is an international serial publication of Baer House in Tartu, Estonia. Published by the Estonian Naturalists' Society and the Institute of Zoology and Botany. Established by the initiative of an Estonian historian of biology Maie Remmel(-Valt).
Folia Baeriana VII
Philosophy and Science: K. E. v. Baer’s challenge to future research
E. Amburger
Über in Giessen neuentdeckte Teile des wissensc haftlichen Nachlasses von Karl Ernst von Baer
I. Puura, J. Nemliher
Advances in skeletal apatite mineralogy
K. Kalling
Racial issue in Estonian eugenics
K. Vaino, H. Kaarma, E.-M. Tiit
Estimation of risk factors in connection with the shape and volume of the newborn’s head
D. Franck
Auswirkungen der Uexküllschen Umweltlehre auf die moderne Verhaltensbiologie
L. Kongo
Karl Ernst von Baers Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaften in Estland
L. Heapost, M. Viikmaa
Anthropological and population genetic characterisation of the Estonians (with retrospect to Baer’s observations)
L. Loime, P. Roosaar, T. Orrin, E. Sepp
Morphology of liver and pancreas in light microscopy following truncal vagatomy in the rat
K. Kull
Outlines for a post–Darwinian biology
E. Tammiksaar
Baers Bibliographie. Fortsetzung